Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Happy Place

Lately my blog has been my happy place.  FB is kind of weirding me out so I feel better posting my random thoughts on my blog where everyone has access, but only about 5 choose to access.

Hi Happy Place!  It's me again ...

Our dinner times have been so fun lately.  Full of laughs and giggles.  The kids crack up at things lately like crazy and it just makes me laugh that much harder.  Laughter truly is good medicine.

And their laughter is addictive.  When I see them cracking up it makes me do more goofy stuff to get more laughter from them, especially if Dan is cracking up with them.  I love it.


We've been playing UNO.  Last night Madelyn whooped us.  Tonight the poor girl lost so badly.  In one hand she ended up with over 100 points.  Those hands are painful.

I beat everyone tonight though.  Yay me!  No one high-fived me after I won though.  I don't know why.  (Tee Hee)


I called Shannon late last night to tell her something quick and two hours later we hung up.  It was 1 a.m. my time, 10 p.m. her time.  We were both equally tired though.  That's how similar she and I are (not).  She is usually in bed by 9.


I have had two coffee dates this week and that makes me happy.


My kids (mainly Madelyn) asked if she could ride into school with Dan tomorrow.  He leaves 45 minutes early than I do if I take them, but whatever.  They are psyched.  Elijah is usually up earlier than everyone else so he was game for it.  We'll see how they feel in the a.m.

This didn't actually happen yesterday, but it did happen today.  They were still happy to ride with him.  I HATE having to wake both of them.  Usually Elijah is awake already, but when he is not it is painful for me to have to wake him AND Madelyn up.


I have officially applied for 2 different jobs.  It's funny because I don't really think that I will get either of them, but I want to.  But then I don't want to.  It's sort of like I want to be validated in some way to say that yes, I can still get a job if I want to.  But then I think, "Wait.  Do I really want to work?"  I do want some extra money so it looks like I need to work some way in order to do that.

I am contemplating applying for another job as well.  All of these are part-time, but the first two are nights and this other one is mornings until noon.  It would change things as far as getting the kids to school, them being sick, etc, but we'll see what happens.  I have to remind myself that applying for these jobs does not mean that I will get them.  I still should probably be able to work out the schedule though if I am to apply for them :P


I love that my Bible Study has started up again.  I also love that I am taking a class.  It's been fun.


Since I have been writing these random thoughts for a couple days now I should probably just post this ...

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