We live in Virginia now. What? So crazy. A friend who moved away from Reading just contacted me telling me she was back in the area and wanted to get together sometime. I told her we now live in VA! Such a bummer, and just so nuts how this life we live can change from day to day or state to state.
So, now Madelyn is in Middle School. That's just nuts in its own way, but good. She is growing and maturing and realizing school can be hard and a LOT of work. It's all good though. She's a trooper. She is incredibly homesick for her friends, but she is making new ones. It just takes time and reminders that she will never replace her other friends. You just add to your list of dear friends and thank the Lord it is so much easier to keep in touch these days.
I am homeschooling Elijah. We figured with such a big transition why not try it since we have always talked about it. I think it is good for him AND me. I would be terribly sad to be all alone here at the house if they were both in school. Of course, I would probably be job hunting as well, but no. We are homeschooling. It's the online virtual school. I love it. Everything is right there for you and laid out as far as your progress, etc. and we can just move along at our own pace. The best part though, gym class at the beach.
That's right. The bay is ten minutes from here and it was so hot yesterday. We went to the beach. Elijah swam, we walked, ran, watched the little crabs scurry across the sand into their holes. THIS is why we moved to VA ;) I think we are going to head back over there today. It is soooooooo therapeutic. I love the water.
Yesterday I was watching my little guy just having a good time in the water and looking out over the big sea he just seemed especially little. There is something so calming about being near the water. I was struck this morning and just how at peace and happy I was feeling. It's a gorgeous day, the sun is shining, and I feel peace. You know things have been a little stressful when the peaceful feeling is what gets your attention.
We have had a lot of sadness lately. Jerry Greer, Nick's brother-in-law, passed away from Leukemia, such a horrible disease. Uncle Bill had a massive stroke and passed away on Sunday. Jon is in the hospital due to his back and they are hoping for surgery, but need to find a doctor willing to do it. It's hard being so far from friends and family when they are suffering. We are going to Delaware this weekend for Uncle Bill's funeral. I wish I could stay longer and go to PA to visit Jess and Jon or help with the kids. Everything is just so different now.
So I will gladly enjoy this peaceful feeling at the moment.
Of course, I just saw the time and school needs to start here shortly so I must enjoy those moments now too. Elijah is a fun and willing student. I told him we need to get a lot done this morning so we can head to the bay again today for gym :) If that's not a good motivator, I don't know what is.