Sunday, January 22, 2012

Life ...

these days ...

So much going on.  I'm not sure where to start because I'm not sure any of it is very exciting.  When I tried to write a post recently I got bored with myself and stopped.  Yeesh.  It's that time of year though.  The mundane sets in along with the cold cold weather that makes me not want to cross the street for the mail.  Everything seems to sloooowwww down so much.  It's strange, but I am finding joy in the mundane and trying to enjoy the slowness.

So, in an effort to not be boring, but still keep tabs on my life on this here blog, here are some short bits of life these days ...

Starting next week I will be helping a friend by getting his son onto the bus in the mornings.  He will get here at 6 a.m. and onto the bus at 8:20.  He is a sweet boy and good friends with Elijah and I will make a few bucks so it's all good.  Except the early morning part.  I am not a morning person, but I think over all that will be good too.  We need to get out of bed earlier in the mornings.  We are all better when we have a little extra time before school.

I am happy my cat is alive.

I am also happy my kids seem to have grown out of their asthma issues.  Praise the Lord, PRAISE the Lord!!!  And let's just praise Him again ... whew!

Madelyn just survived a stomach bug. 

I am so richly blessed by friendships.  I seriously don't know where I would be in life without my friends and telephones.  They are my life line so many days.

The other day I had no phone OR internet.  Oh my.  I survived though.  It turns out you have to pay your bills if you want to keep getting those services.  Huh. 

I am going to learn to sew.  My first project will be throw pillows for my couch.  I am so excited.  Eventually I want to make purses and bags and scarves and more pillows and lots of other fun things.

My children keep getting older and lately I have been shocked by the fact that those toddler years/home with my babies years are gone.  GONE.  I am SO out of that stage.  And for some reason it is hitting me more lately.  It's just weird to see these major stages in life go passing by. 

I wish we had the money to just fly out to AZ to see Shannon and her family. 

Elijah loves Calvin & Hobbes these days and is learning all kinds of new naughty things.  I would do away with the books, but I think it's a little too late and he finds them so funny.  Also, I think he has learned that you can't say "drop dead" at school.  Oy.

Madelyn is a part of a writer's club at her school now, and just had her first Girl Scouts meeting today.  They discussed planning an art exhibit at a local library so that was very exciting for Madelyn.  She can't wait to become an official girl scout and sell some cookies.  I can't wait to eat some cookies.

However, on that subject, I have eaten way too many cookies and chips and candy lately.  Blech.  You'd think I was TRYING to weigh 300 lbs by the end of winter, or that I am fattening up like a bear preparing for a long sleep.  I wish.

We got 3 - 4 inches of snow this weekend.  That is the perfect amount of snow.  It's enough to play in, but not enough to really mess things up, or to hang around too long getting dirty and ugly looking.

My Bible Study is starting this Wednesday and I have more people signed up for it than ever.  That is very exciting.  I think I am going to try to do some video conferencing or something to allow for far away people to join the discussion, but I have to work that out.

Okay, I think that's all for now.  I really need to wash some pans and get to bed.  More "excitement" to come soon ...

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