Friday, September 30, 2011

My Good Friends

Good friends bring you pumpkin bread when your coffee date gets canceled and she sees on fb you are having a rough day.

Good friends don't mind when you are crying your eyes out over the phone.

Good friends are good listeners.

Good friends make you laugh and laugh with you.

Yes.  I got pumpkin bread today. 

Yes.  That is pretty much all I have eaten today. 


Yes.  I have amazing friends who make me laugh, check up on me, and bring me yummy food. 

Seriously.  What would I do without my friends? 

I wouldn't get pumpkin bread.

I would be crying all alone.

I probably would not be laughing.

Dan would get the brunt of the results of no friends to vent to. 

This would be so sad for both me and Dan.

Thank you Lord for my good friends!

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